Mochis NoticiasArte y EntretenimientoEste artista crea esculturas de mascotas hiperrealistas que te harán querer tener una propia » Diseño en el que confías: diseño todos los días desde 2007
Mochis NoticiasArte y EntretenimientoEste artista crea esculturas de mascotas hiperrealistas que te harán querer tener una propia » Diseño en el que confías: diseño todos los días desde 2007
Arte y Entretenimiento

Este artista crea esculturas de mascotas hiperrealistas que te harán querer tener una propia » Diseño en el que confías: diseño todos los días desde 2007

Este artista crea esculturas de mascotas hiperrealistas que te harán querer tener una propia » Diseño en el que confías: diseño todos los días desde 2007


Helen Violet, a hyperrealism artist from Canada, creates astonishingly lifelike pet sculptures and pencil drawings that capture the essence of each animal with breathtaking accuracy. Her intricate handmade sculptures look so real that you’d have to look twice to be sure it’s not a living pet.

“I was always fascinated with detail in both nature and in art. This led me to practice realism throughout my life. Getting lost in detail is therapeutic to me, and I find it so rewarding once a piece is finally complete after many hours of hard labor and love. I didn’t know I would be working as a pet portrait artist, however. I made my first sculpture for my husband (then boyfriend) of his chocolate Labrador, Lucy, back in 2015. I was always fascinated by sculpture, but I thought it was beyond me. I decided to give it a go anyway, and I fell in love with the material.”

More: Instagram h/t: boredpanda

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Hi, I’m Corina Guzman

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